Sunday, June 15, 2014

So i have a Mbot, but it's not a Reprap

I had an Reprap for 8 month ago. and i bought and Mbot playwood kit. It's working but not as good as i hoped, I can only use Makeware or replicatorG and Simplify3D.

 I also upgrade it to an Grid 2, but still not as good as i hope.

so I relly miss my old reprap, no I have paint it and are printing new part for it so I hope it's will be beautiful! I like Octoprint for raspberry pi and Repetier-host.

I got from Prusa mendel i2, printed parts from work, to Prusa AIR 2. 
prusa mendel, looks like shit, and work that way.

here is some pic on the project going on:

6 houers later 95 % done

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Gettings started with Gridseed miners

Step 1
Connect the gridseed with USB and power.

Step 2
Install drivers using ZADIG
Shouse COM port and click install drivers.

Step 3
to start minning you need to use cgminer 3.7.2! remember 3.7.2! thats the key! 

Step 4
settings in cgminner:
cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://{pooladress} -u worker.user -p password --gridseed-options=baud=115200,freq=850,chips=5 --hotplug 1

Hope every thing works for you!.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Electronic Conntest

I'm in a electronic contest on i instructables. Vote for me!
here is my awsome and sipmle electronic!

Light controlled lamp without code

Monday, May 19, 2014

Speedometer for my cat

I got an funny ide from a youtube clip.

I think it's a funny ide. to use IC led strips to show a value.
so I'm thinking about setting up a speedometer in the middle of my hall, throw a little toy and se the speed of the cat on the same type of bar as the Bandwidth monitor.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Wanna build a Reprap i3?

I selling a full kit for a Reprap i3 Box frame.

If you have another model you want. just comment!

Help me with this one!

I have share a picture of my cat. please press on the Like button for me!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Some picture of my Project

Status on my arduino project

last week  I start working on my flower sensor to see if they need water. if the need water should i get an notification to my phone / pabble watch.

I'm almost done with the sensor code. I got a problem that I cant receive any information over the RF module.
and I also need to sett the arduino into sleep mode and wake up every hour. 

So no progress on the receiver yet, i have only programming like " Show me everything you got" and i got nothing. So next thing is to trouble shoot the RF module and fix that. after that i will use it with a cable first and next step sleep mode and battery pack.

Smart ID:
I building an Identify ID on the transmitter module. so i can add door sensors and IR sensors if I wan't later.
so the ID is : Location_ID_Value   ex. Flower_02_1023 ( 1023 - needs water ).

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Amazing game! next flappy bird?

I found an simply and amazing game on Google play!
it's not so much downloaded so i think it's new. maybe the next Flappy bird?

Sling Ball!

The goal is to shoot on the ball so it's not falling down.
my high scoor is 24! try to beat that;)

It's free and it's funny.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

On going!

This week is awsome. i'm home, and have much time!
thats mean that it's time to do little on my project. actually i already started little. but the goal is:

Take a small duino 4 moisture sensors and 433 hz transmitter.

So. I will do a programm that get the arduino in sleep mode and every second hour til will send 10 pings about the status of the Plants.

and then i have  an other arduio as controll leds ( for a start) as lights green if all plants are good and red if they need water.

This gonna be awsome! i will also try to 3D print a case for this. all code and skiss will we posted here!

This is the first step of the project!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

New arduinos

I finally recive my new arduino minis!
 Now, it's time to do a new home project ;)

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mining rig

I have a scrypto minning rig, using at multipool.! GO doge, too that moon!

ok, tha half of it are my. it's 6Mhash scrypt minning on going here.  working like a scharm!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Things I have Print at home

Today was a loong day with TV recording... so no project time. so i just take photos of things i hade print at home. some of this even designed my self.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter every one!
Hoppe you like to read my blogg! If you have an ide on a project, just tell me!
Now I drink Becks! Bear in a caravan.

Building a robot, on the viking style!

for 2 years ago was I trying to build a robotic lawn mowers. (when I still lived with my parents) I was done with the hardpart. i hade pingsensor and the cutting unit but no car to drag it around.

The funny part is my cutting unit.
I tok a R/C helicopter, removed the blad and install the motor and  axis in to a plank.  Install Razor blad....

My brother call it self killing machine... I understund why. but i had a "safe box" around it. but I should have a gyro safe also.... need to write it down for the future.

I will see if I have a pictur for later..

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Now i get it! resistors...

I have always seen people using 100 ohm resistor to a simple led, but I have never understand why. I have use led many times without resistor and no problem.

but yesterday i got it!
From this:

To this:

YES. it's on!

My lab board are connected to a PC and webcam, so I and a friend far away still can do some grate experiments. On it right now: Arduino mega, 433mz transmitter and receiver, 5 leds(without resistors....) and LCD screen.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Selling my tantillus Project

For 1-2 mounth ago i start printing and building an tantillus 3D printer, to have a printer for travel.
the case are done and i have build plate also have all plastick around, for extruder and all thet part.

I can sell it to you..
100 usd and free shipping. World Wide!
I will put it on ebay with a higher price.

Selling Reprap pices

I have start selling printed parts on ebay if you are intressted in building a reprap.

hope you guys like it!

Online store...with coins!

I'm thinking about open an onlinestore. selling funny things.. yeah... I think I will do that.
Maybe this will be my store blogg then? I will think about it.

If i hade a store! I will accept coins! Totaly!
dogecoin ( WOW!!!)
darkcoin (love it)

mabye some more, just for fun! but this is the coins i like. doge are genius.

for all coin lovers! here is a joke:
got it?
doge to the MOON!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Mbot 3D upgrade, Laywood example

I bought a Mbot 3D printer for the money I got when I sold my Butterfly bitcoin asic:s, I think it was in january.

For a week ago I get an email about an Upgrade kit for mbot cube to mbot grid so I order it.
and whats happen? I need to wait untill tuesday!!!.
I hate to wait on my free time...
If you wonder what a mbot is. Take a look here (they also have PLA for a good pice)
It's working good for the price! I will send update on the Upgrade process.

Two awesome Cars in laywood!
They smell like wood.
wan't the STL file?

I recommend laywood for all 3D printer startes, it's SO easy to print with, but the thread easy breaks!

can it be a good idea?

If I hade a 3D printer. Then i had print a waterpump.
If I hade a hygrometer to detect if the flowers need water then I whould use an arduino to...

yeah! of curse automatic plant "feeding".

Whait ?! yea a had a 3D printer. so, next project. when I receive my hygrometer. is time to do an automatic plant feeder.

I will post my code here when it's done. maybe do a Youtube video also. should a do a video?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Found a new cool game!

I have play diffrent browser game in years now, and yesterday I find a nice one.

it's like trivialwars, small graphic game... but this was a new thing. it have real cash. so you play with gold.

i setup a new challange for my self! lets play for a wile and if i get 1 USD then I'm done.

lisen, I play a game for free and i get pay for it?! sound awsome. lets try it out!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Edit from las post

ok. after the night the laywood was much much harder. so now it is hard like wood, and with my new settings like bigger wals on the object it's feels like wood.

so win for laywood.

Friday, January 3, 2014

3D fillament Laywood

Just tried Laywood-3D and it is awsoome. it's so easy to work with!

but i hope it was a solid material but it was mor soft then solid. PLA are more solid the laywood.

but it's so nice to work with, and smell not ill. thanks for that.