Friday, January 12, 2018

Orange pi with home assistent

Getting an Orange pi

Quad core ARM, WIFI, 512 MB ram (sad..) best of all 100Mbit PoE ethernet.

So i will power it using a networkcable only and Use my RFXcom USB for controlling the device here.

I'm totaly new in Home assistant or HA as called. 

If this thing works good maybe I will buy some more as touchscreen monitors around the house.  Or I will just get some really cheap android phones as controllers.

I will also try to find a way to monitoring the powerusage in a cheap way. will be back on that one!

Friday, November 24, 2017

Automatic morning

Automatic morning

  • Turn on some "lower" lights when it's time to get up. ( around 5 on the morning)
  • Turn off the light when I left home (05:30 on the morning)
  • If there is ice out I want the alarm to go off earlier so i got time to melt ice from the car
  • Home automation system ( I have Domoticz and RFxcom 433 hz controller, like a tellstick )
  • Mobile with the App Tasker
  • Domoticz = Free
  • Hardware to run it on, like raspberry pi 40 dollar ( I use my PC)
  • RFxcom = 89 dollar? around that
  • RF powerplugs = 9 dollar
  • App Tasker = 9 doller for a year ( maybe 5 dollar for buy the app to, was so long time ago can't remember)
  • I use the same system as turning the light on the morning to also start the coffee maker! Thats awsome!
  • Using Domoticz to control light instead of timer to turn on the light when sun goes down and off at 22:00.
  • Using it for Temperature control the Aquarium in the summer (turn the lights off based on water temperature)

And if I got more time I will post all the info you need to make this your own! 
Make some uploads of the config just as a spooiler :-D

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

iBox nano IMG


I succeeded to port the pi image from pi A+ to pi 2. so my iBox nano now runs on 4 core insted of 1 and also got the ethernet working.
you need 8 GB memmory for the image.
if you got problem and no webgui started, run.

"sudo node ibox/iBoxWebGUI.JS"
and it should work.

Download here:
iBox nano pi 2 image

Saturday, September 12, 2015

My last and biggest challange of my life

Hey. thet is a pritty good excuse why this blogg are not that up to date, and it's not becurse of I'm not active with my project.

for almost a year, I have been working on a Swedish weshop.

Look in to it and se if you find anny thing :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Cherry 60

Hello! longtime seen you!

I'm right now working on a Cherry 60 3D printer! a small handy thing on the internet!
the process so far is this!

And i'm currently printing the plastic parts and had screw all the planks together.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Project's still on going!

For a few month ago I started to print the tantillus case.
I think it tok me 3*12 hours to print and one 1KG PLA for 11 of the part.
 So the case was finish and I have a bed för it.

 I just needed to get the axis rods and all the electric parts. the realy hard part on tantillus is to get X and Y axis to move. origilan the axis belt is with fishing road. So i got a real belt insted, but then i need belt pulley and it need to fit on 8MM rods.

so i tride to print my onw pulley. that dident go well for TG 2 belt... Don't try it's not worth the time. So i download som skisses and Openscad and get a pulley for ballchain. take a look att the original here.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

So i have a Mbot, but it's not a Reprap

I had an Reprap for 8 month ago. and i bought and Mbot playwood kit. It's working but not as good as i hoped, I can only use Makeware or replicatorG and Simplify3D.

 I also upgrade it to an Grid 2, but still not as good as i hope.

so I relly miss my old reprap, no I have paint it and are printing new part for it so I hope it's will be beautiful! I like Octoprint for raspberry pi and Repetier-host.

I got from Prusa mendel i2, printed parts from work, to Prusa AIR 2. 
prusa mendel, looks like shit, and work that way.

here is some pic on the project going on:

6 houers later 95 % done